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Budgeting & Financial Literacy

  • Free Service
  • Available Anywhere

Understanding your personal financial situation and creating a budget can help you to know where your money is going and if there are areas that could be focused on more. There are a lot of great tools that can help you learn more about finances as well as create a budget:

1. NU students have access to a free Financial Literacy course within Brightspace under “My Courses” – it is called “NU Financial Literacy.” Within the "Content" section you can explore whatever areas you would like, but a few worth highlighting are “Understanding Personal Finance and Credit” and “Budgeting and Planning." They also have recorded and live webinar sessions on various topics like credit scores, budgeting myths, and housing.

2. Mint offers a place where you can see all of your financial accounts in one place to stay on track with your financial goals. Here is a link to learn more about the tool and sign-up. You can set budgets and saving goals that are automatically tracked when you make purchases and get paid each month.

3. Nerdwallet is another option that offers a place where you can see all of your financial accounts in one place to stay on track with your financial goals. Here is a link to their budget planner worksheet or you can sign up for their free app to maximize the tools